DNS or BSc Nautical Science? What should I choose?



DNS? B. Sc. Nautical Science? This was the question I asked myself daily when chartering my course to this profession.

I decided to join DNS.
Why? Well read through and you will realize why.
I researched a lot on this topic before making my decision. Allow me to make this easier for you.
Let’s chart your course together.

What Is BSc In Nautical Sciences?

1) B. Sc. Nautical Science:

It stands for Bachelors of Science in Nautical Sciences.

2) Duration:

It is a three years course just like any other B. Sc. course.
After completion of these three years and 6 semesters, you will get your degree.
After getting degree you will have to go on ship and complete 12 months of sea-time in total.
After these 12 months, you will be eligible to give exam and get COC – Certificate of Competency With the COC (‘driving license’ for ship), promoted to Junior Officer/4th Officer or 3rd Officer based on your company’s rank structure.

3) Placement / Job:

After or during the course, you will have to get placed in a company for getting sea-time after getting the degree.
In some good colleges. The companies come for placement. It is quite competitive. You consistently have to prove yourself by getting good grades.

After rigorous dedication in college and honing responsibility during cadetship, you’ll embark as an officer. Your journey will be a mix of breathtaking sunsets and thrilling storms, navigating the seas as a seasoned professional.

What Is DNS ( Diploma In Nautical Sciences)?

1) DNS Leading to B. Sc.:

It stands for Diploma in Nautical Science leading to B. Sc. Degree

2) Duration:

It is a One year course.
After completion of this one year and 2 semesters, you will get your diploma.
After getting diploma you will have to go on ship and complete 18 months of sea-time in total.
After these 18 months, you have an option of giving an exam to get the B. Sc Nautical Science Degree.
You will also be eligible to give exam and get COC – Certificate of Competency With the COC (‘driving license’ for ship), promoted to Junior Officer/4th Officer or 3rd Officer based on your company’s rank structure.

3) Sponsorship:

Before starting DNS, it is compulsory to have a sponsorship for company.
Sponsorship basically means that the company guarantees you a ship for completing your sea-time and after getting COC they will provide you with a job.
To get sponsored, you will have to clear IMU-CET with good rank + Written and Interview (Company Specific)
More about the Sponsorship Exams and How to get Sponsored.

Watch my YouTube video for a comprehensive guide, and feel free to reach out on Instagram for further assistance. Let’s set sail towards your maritime career together!

Instagram: @abhay20_02 or @aquanaut20_02

How To Join Merchant Navy? The Right Way.
How to get Sponsorship? The Process

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